Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

Hey! Say! JUMP fanfiction..

"Cerita ini mengisahkan tentang 10 orang cowo terkenal di Jepang yang menjadi idola para cewe remaja hampir di seluruh dunia. Mereka memiliki sifat dan kebiasaan yang berbeda meskipun mereka terlihat sangat akrab satu sama lain. Mereka adalah Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuuri, Nakajima Yuuto, Morimoto Ryutaro, Okamoto Keito, Yabu Kouta, Yaotome Hikaru, Takaki Yuuya, Daiki Arioka dan Inoo Kei. 10 cowo ini adalah salah satu boyband Jepang yang bernama-kalian sudah tau pastinya-.

Cerita ini hanya sekedar rekayasa dan imajinasi penulis. Jadi, mohon maaf kepada fans-fans JUMP serta member dari JUMP-nya sendiri pastinya.

Okay, disini saya akan mengisahkan tentang kehidupan mereka masing-masing. Thus, saya akan membagi cerita ini menjadi 10 episode atau part atau cerita atau apalah itu namanya… Let’s get it started!!"


Title : Cokelat oh cokelat

Cast : Hey Say 7

Location : -di Negara asal mereka-


Suasana rumah begitu sepi. Saat itu adalah hari Sabtu dan waktu menunjukkan pukul 10.00 pagi waktu Jepang. Begitu sepi, yang terdengar hanya suara dentingan piring dan sendok diruang makan, suara gitar diruang keluarga dan suara...

“UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!” teriakan Yamada. Chinen dan Ryutaro tersedak roti panggang bersamaan saat mendengar teriakan Yamada yang begitu besar tidak seperti biasanya. Keito yang sedang bermain gitar tiba-tiba senar gitar miliknya putus “HAH~~” suaranya bergetar. Yuuto terbangun dari tidur panjangnya (what!!!??) begitu mendengar teriakan yang menggentarkan seisi rumah. Takut terjadi apa-apa dengan anak itu, Chinen dan Ryutaro menuju kamar Yamada yang kebetulan dekat dengan ruang makan, diikuti Keito dibelakang mereka, beberapa detik kemudian Yuuto keluar dari kamarnya dan mengikuti Keito dan kedua partnernya sambil mengusap-usap matanya polos (kawaiiiiiiiiii~~)

“Ryo-kun, ada apa??” tanya Chinen panic. Yamada duduk lemas dipinggir ranjangnya sambil menatap suatu benda dihadapannya... TIMBANGAN!! “Ryo-kun? Ryo-kun!!” Chinen mengguncang-guncangkan tubuh Yamada. “Wah, gawat!!!!” tiba-tiba suara Ryutaro terdengar sangat menggelegar di kamar Yamada. “Gawat??” tanya Keito cool, yang dijawab dengan anggukkan kepala Ryutaro “Jangan-jangan Ryosuke-kun.. kesurupan!!” ujarnya asal. Tak lama kemudian Yuto menempeleng kepala Ryutaro “Ngasal banget mulut lo!!” Ryutaro mengusap-usap kepalanya kesakitan.

“Yama-chan, lo kenapa?” tanya Yuto polos.

“Ryosuke, jangan bikin kita panic dong!” pinta Keito diikuti anggukkan lemas Chinen. Akhirnya......... si Yamada buka mulut juga “berat badan gue...” semua menatap Yamada dalam-dalam menunjukkan rasa simpati mereka. “Berat badan gue nambah~~” terangnya dengan suara yang bergetar.

“APAAAAA!!??” Yuto histeris sambil menutup mulutnya. Lebay!! Bisik Chinen kepada Keito. “nambah berapa kilo?” Chinen bertanya dilanjutkan oleh Yuto “nambah 10 kilo??” dilanjutkan oleh Keito “20 kilo? 25? Atau 30?” dilanjutin lagi sama si kecil Ryutaro “Atau 100 kilo? Ah, kalo 100 kilo badan lo pasti lebih gendut dari yang sekarang dong??” suddenly... BUG!! BAAGGG!! BUG!! AWWW!! “sekali lagi lo ngomong asal, gue bikin gendut loh!!!” ancam Yuto kesal. Ryutaro meringis kesakitan di pojok kamar.

“Jadi??” (masih aja dilanjutin!)

“berapa kilo?” tanya Chinen makin penasaran.

Yamada menundukkan kepalanya malu “nambah duaaaa...” dipotong oleh Keito “dua puluh! Tuh kan bener..” Yamada melotot terkejut “Chigau.. chigau.. eeto~ duaa…”

“dua lima?” tanya Keito lagi. Yamada menggeleng.

“pasti dua ratus!!” lagi-lagi... RYUTARO!!

BAG!! BUG! BAAAGGG!! AWWWmmmp!! “sengganya dia bisa tenang sejenak” terang Yuto kepada Chinen yang terlihat gelisah melihat keadaan Ryutaro yang terikat dibangku dengan mulut disumpal kaos kaki. Malang. Yamada menghela nafas dalam-dalam. “duh, Ryo-kun jangan bikin kita jadi penasaran dong!! Cepetan kasih tau kita!” pinta Chinen. “berat gue nambah...” semua mata tertuju pada Yamada.

“DUA KILO...” jawabnya polos banget!!

Semua tersontak mendengar jawaban Yamada yang seharusnya tidak perlu ditakutkan. “Ya ampun, musibah-musibah!!” Chinen menggelengkan kepalanya lemas dan kesal. Yuto melotot kaget “hee~ dua kilo yah???” Yamada mengangguk lemas. Tiba-tiba Yamada mendapat serangan dari Keito, lehernya dicekik. “dua kilo!? Dua kilo doang lo histeris sampe senar gitar gue putus!?” Chinen dan Yuto dengan cepat melerai Keito. Keito yang tampangnya cool dan ramah pun bisa sangar!! “Cuma dua kiloooo~ Yama-chan! Dua kiloooo!!” Yuto lemas menatap Yamada. Chinen membantu Ryutaro melepaskan tali dan kaos kaki dari mulutnya. Tubuh Keito ambruk ke lantai.

Ryutaro mendekati Yamada “dua kilo doang?” tanyanya biasa. “hai..” jawab Yamada pelan dan tetap polos. “STRESS!! Gila lo.. gila!! Cuma berat badan lo yang naik dua kilo, muka gue bengep kayak gini!!”. Yamada menunduk "maaf.. abis gue takut banget soalnya.." suaranya sedikit bergetar. Chinen duduk disebelah Yamada dan bertanya "terakhir lo makan apaan sampe berat lo nambah.. DUA KILO??"

Yamada termenung seolah-olah ia sedang berpikir. "makan.. sandwich doang!" jawabnya sedikit ketakutan alias gelagepan. Yuto menatap Yamada "yakin?? coba lo inget-inget lagi, akhir-akhir ini lo ngemil apaan??". Wajah Yamada terlihat menegang begitu mendengar pertanyaan dari Yuto (ketauan boong sama Yuto!!) "bener sandwich doang! lo tau sendiri gue lagi diet, jadi gue ngga makan daging sama sekali!" jawab Yamada membela diri. Tiba-tiba Ryutaro angkat bicara "sumpeh lo?? ini apaan?" sambil menunjukkan bungkusan-bungkusan cokelat di bawah bantal Yamada. Chinen terperanjat dari duduknya "buset!!!! bungkusan cokelat semua di bawah bantal lo, Ryo-kun!" Suasana sepi sejenak. "lo bilang makan sandwich doang? jadi ini 'sandwich' yang lo maksud??" tanya Yuto mulai kesal.

Yah, ketauan deh... emang dasar si Ryutaro ngga hanya mulutnya doang yang tajem tapi idung sama tangan juga!! pikir Yamada. "sepuluh.. sebelas.." Keito menghitung bungkusan-bungkusan cokelat tersebut.

to be continued...

Selasa, 20 April 2010

My Last Year in High School

My times in high school are almost over. Time goes so faster than i thought.
God, can you give me one more time to spent all of my times with my friends??
i want to gather again with them, i want to have some fun with them, i won't be separate with them...
they're like my own family in school. i love them very much...

I'll be missing their laughter, cries, anger, jokes, and the important thing that i'll never forget is our SOLIDARITY...

Guys, if you read this.. i want you to know that i'm afraid to be separate with you!
do you remember when the first time we made a Documentary Film, when we watched our work?? you were crying!!! i hugged you, you hugged me... we cried together!! because i know, we won't be separate each other!

but, time goes so fast...
soon, we would not in high school again. we're already grown up, and soon we will enter in campus life, university's world!! maybe, some of us will be meet again in the same university, maybe will not...

sorry, if i ever made a mistake to you.. no one perfect in this world, right?
love you guys!! i hope you succeed in the future...
good luck... good bye...

With Love

Minggu, 21 Februari 2010

Claus von Stauffenberg


Claus von Stauffenberg was born in Jettingen,Germany on November 15, 1907. In his youth, he belonged to Stefan George's circle and remained a disciple of the great poet for the rest of his life. He would quote George's The Anti-Christ when recruiting friends and trusted colleagues into the conspiracy.

A bright student, at nineteen he became an officer cadet. He attended the War Academy in Berlin and joined the General Staff in 1938 as a quartermaster officer in 1938 in General Erich Hoepner's 1st Light Division, which was renamed 6th Panzer Division in November 1939.

Stauffenberg served combat positions in all of Hitler's major campaigns from the Sudetenland to Poland to France to Tunisia. During Operation Barbarossa, Stauffenberg became appalled by the atrocities committed by the Schutzstaffel (SS), SD and “Security Police” units, particularly the mass murder of the Jews in Russia, but he was equally appalled by the atrocities committed by the German Army against Soviet prisoners-of-war and by the treatment of the civil population in Russia at the hands of the German occupation administration and forces, and Stauffenberg cited these matters to Major Joachim Kuhn in August 1942.

From the end of May 1940 to the end of January 1943, Stauffenberg served in the Army High Command/General Staff Headquarters.

In early 1943, Stauffenberg served with the 10th Panzer Division in Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps. On April 7, 1943, he was seriously wounded at Sebkhet en Noual, south of Mezzouna in the North African desert, when Allied fighters strafed his vehicle. He lost his left eye, right hand, and last two fingers of his left hand after surgery.

Stauffenberg had decided in 1942 that he must try to help overthrow Hitler. He had attempted throughout the summer of 1942 to persuade senior commanders to move against Hitler, and he had declared in September 1942 that he himself was prepared to kill Hitler. In 1943, he only agreed to join in conspiracy with the civilian side of the German Resistance, including Wilhelm Canaris, Carl Goerdeler, Julius Leber, Ulrich Hassell, Hans Oster, Henning von Tresckow, Fabian von Schlabrendorff , Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg, Ludwig Beck, and Erwin von Witzleben in what became known as the July Plot. According to the plan, after Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goering and Heinrich Himmler were assassinated, Ludwig Beck, Erwin von Witzleben and Friedrich Fromm would take control of the German Army and seize key government buildings, telephone and signal centres, and radio stations. Stauffenberg was to become State Secretary of the War Ministry in the post-coup government.

In June 1944, Stauffenberg was promoted to Colonel and appointed Chief of Staff to Home Army Commander General Friedrich Fromm. This gave him direct access to Hitler's briefing sessions.

On July 11, Stauffenberg brought a bomb concealed in a briefcase with him to a briefing at Hitler's Berghof residence. He planned to assassinate Hitler that day, but circumstances beyond his control prevented him from doing so.

Four days later, Stauffenberg flew to the Fuehrer's Wolf's Lair headquarters with aide and co-conspirator Captain Klausing. He was ordered by senior conspirators in Berlin to abort the attempt after telephoning to report the absence of Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler and Luftwaffe Air Marshal Hermann Goering from the briefing session. He secretly agreed with close friend and Berlin co-conspirator Colonel von Mertz to try to kill Hitler anyway, but when he returned to the briefing room, he discovered the session had ended after only five minutes.

On July 20, Stauffenberg flew to the Wolf's Lair again with aide and co-conspirator Lt. Werner von Haeften. Stauffenberg, who had never met Hitler before, carried the bomb in a briefcase and placed it on the floor while he left to make a phone call. The bomb exploded. Of four men in the hut who died of the attack, only one was killed outright. Another died in the afternoon, and two more died later in hospital. Hitler's right arm was badly injured, but he survived the bomb blast. Stauffenberg returned to Berlin with Haeften and arrived at Army High Command Headquarters at 4:30 P.M. to launch the planned coup. The plot unraveled, however, for several reasons: Hitler survived the attack; co-conspirator General Friedrich Olbricht neglected to set the coup in motion during first two hours after the attempt; and the conspirators failed to seize any radio stations or retain authority over reserve army troops in Berlin.

In an attempt to protect himself, Fromm organized the execution of Stauffenberg along with three other conspirators, Friedrich Olbricht, Werner von Haeften, and Colonel Albrecht Ritter Mertz von Quirnheim, in the courtyard of the War Ministry. On July 21, 1944, at 12:30 A.M., Stauffenberg was executed by firing squad. It was later reported that Stauffenberg died shouting, "Long live free Germany."

Hey! Say! JUMP, new PV

Hey! Say! JUMP - Hitomi no Screen

thanks for the information of this video ^_^

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

i think she's nuts!!

i don't know to whom i should tell about this...
i feel like... is it real or just my dream? i have a friend who had indoctrinated into Christ...
i don't really know about this, but i think it's real!!

when i met her in school yesterday, actually i really wanted to ask her but i was afraid she's hurt with my sudden question!! i just could say "it was a rumour, impossible" in my mind...
is she nuts?? why she did it? does she not have many friends? she's already crazy, i think!!!

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Hey Say JUMP - Hitomi no Screen (preview)

YATTA!!!! it will be release on 2010 February 24...
i'll be waiting for it!! ^0^

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010


itulah reaksi gue kalo ngeliat si imut nan ganteng YAOTOME HIKARU!!!
bahagia, gila, terharu, bahkan sampe nangis kalo gue ngeliat dia...
awalnya gue ga terlalu suka sama the next Japanese comedian ini, eh pas gue liat dia di MV Hey! Say! JUMP yang Your Seed... WOW HE'S COOL!!! terharu gue ngeliat dia...
LUCU, JAIL... dan otaknya itu bener-bener otak pelawak! semua fansnya merasa terhibur dengan lelucon-leluconnya meskipun terkadang garing, tapi tetep LUCU bagi gue!!!
pingin banget gue ketemu sama dia, pingin liat raut muka dia kalo gue cubit... iiiih GEMMMMEESSSSS!!! *pinch him nose*

he can played BASS and dancing!! UWAAAAAAA~ gue suka banget sama cowo yang pinter maen bass apalagi nge-DANCE!! pas banget buat gue! jadi pingin minta diajarin maen bass sama HIKA~~~ but, it's impossible!! gue dimana, dia dimana... we are so far far away.
even though, he's my friend in myspace but we never get closer each other... kawaisouni~~ X(

gue sempet nge-post comment dan video ke pagenya HIKARU...
semua uneg-uneg gue ke dia tuh gue keluarin dgn nge-post comment ke profile dia, sebenernya gue ngga berani, tapi pas gue liat tweet-tweetnya Sheyla ke Mark yg berisi uneg-unegnya, gue jadi ngerasa kalo gue pasti bisa kayak SHEYLA LAVEYLA ANANDITA itu!! so, gue ikutin jejaknya yang bagi gue itu cukup extreme!! so, why nut? kenapa kacang? (???)

at least, he replied my latest comment...
seneng karena dibales sama dia, sedih karena gue harus mengalah sama adek angkat gue MIRACHAN dari MALAYSIA!! kenapa? cuz dia yang lebih deket sama HiKARU... bahkan Hika ngirim a poem buat Mirachan... am i jealous?? YEAAHHHH!!! IMMA JEALOUSY GIRL!!! meskipun Hika pernah bilang sama gue "AWW, DON'T BE JEALOUS OKAY?" tapi tetep aja gue ngerasa tersaingi sama Mirachan.

hhhhhhhh, i wanna cry!!!!!!!!! could i get closer with him??
i need your suggestions, gals!!!!!! >___<
i'm crush on YAOTOME HIKARU!!!

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

my first blog

this is my first blog, masih bingung mau nulis apa...
hehehee :P

oh, okay, lemme introduce myself...
nama gue rimma yaotome feehily
*nama samaran kok*
kenapa harus Feehily sebagai last name gue??
soalnya, gue suka banget sama Mark Feehily
*tau dong siapa?!* bahkan gue sampe crush on him gitu...
hehehe, joudan joudan, i'm not crushing on him, actually i'm fallin' in love with him (??)

dari gue SD, gue tuh suka banget sama Westlife, hampir 5-7 keping CD Westlife gue beli, sampe CD karaokenya pun gue punya *but now it's gone* huaaaaa, kemana mereka?? tapi semenjak Bryan McFadden out dari Westlife, gue jadi sedih *LOH??* dan gue semenjak gue SMP, gue jadi lupa sama Westlife *i'm sorry to left them*

terus, pas masuk SMA tepatnya dikelas 2, kebetulan ada temen sekelas gue yang cinta banget sama Westlife... tapi itu gue respon biasa aja, but dalam hati sih gue terkejut (ternyata yang suka sama Westlife ngga cuma gue) akhirnya kita (gue sama temen gue itu) suka ngomongin tentang Westlife, dan thanks for her, gue jadi fallin' in love again with Westlife especially MARK FEEHILY..

Betapa bahagianya gue, pas gue liat video klip baru mereka yang "What About Now"...
di MV itu, Mark keliatan lebih kurusan dari yang kemarin-kemarin,
jadi makin CINTAAAAAAAAAAA~~ sama Mr. Feehily itu...
oh... CALL ME Mrs. FEEHILY!!!!! XDD